Working within and across communities of faith to urgently fulfill our sacred duty to love and protect Creation, address our changing climate and ensure justice for all life.
Working within and across communities of faith to urgently fulfill our sacred duty to love and protect Creation, address our changing climate and ensure justice for all life.
We are guided by faith, informed by science, and focused on environmental justice
Earth Care Practices Survey for Faith Communities

Many of our faith communities have responded to a survey detailing their earth-friendly practices. We are happy to present the collected responses, along with a dynamic map locating the congregations that have responded.
Reflecting the Sacred Through Our Creation Care Practices
Today, as the climate crisis calls us to consider what it means to be good stewards of creation, it also asks us to consider how that sacred care can be reflected in where we worship and what we do there. Earth care practices are bubbling up throughout the 90 ICCT faith communities—from solar installations and upgraded HVAC systems to rain gardens and prayer services. From the modest to the more elaborate, all of these matter.
If you feel called to engage your congregation in creation care work, or if your community is already doing such work, we want to hear from you! Take our Earth Friendly Practices survey. You can also reach out to other faith communities via our contact form: learn about their projects, and share information and expertise. Join us!
Climate and Our Money

Forum on How to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels
Amazing Resources and the Recording Now Available
Forty people joined our local forum on how individuals and faith communities can help push back against climate change with their financial decisions. It was presented by the Earth Care Witness Committee of the Durham Friends Meeting (Quaker) and cosponsored by ICCT on November 2, 2023. Author Jennie Ratcliffe and Dale Everts, a climate activist formerly with the EPA addressed our spiritual grounding, the scope of current and planned fossil fuel investments, who’s funding them, and tips on how to divest our money.
Learn more and access the recording, Presentation,
and How-To Guide here.
ICCT Youth Leaders Gaining Momentum

Youth Creation Care Leaders, sponsored by ICCT, has been gaining momentum since its inception in 2023. Today there are two high school age leader groups serving Durham and Raleigh by offering youth-to-youth presentations on Creation care to groups in faith communities. The interactive programs have been very well received. Both groups welcome new youth members as well as contacts from faith communities wishing to schedule a presentation.
More information on the youth leaders & scheduling a presentation here
Recap of the 2024 Convention

Celtic Symbol of the Spirit
The Spirit-filled ICCT Action Traction Convention
Reverend Megan M. Pardue set the stage by reminding us that “hope is not a thing you feel, but a thing you do.” To keep from despair and maintain hope, she suggests that we “sow the seeds together” and “sow the seeds even when you don’t feel like planting.” See Megan’s inspirational message on the ICCT YouTube channel.
Over 90 people sowed a lot of seeds, together, on January 27. If you missed it, or if you lost your notes, or just want a refresher, we have the full story.
I enjoyed the excellent meeting yesterday. I like to attend meetings that provide new thought-provoking information. It gave me ideas of what our church might be able to do….
~~Joe Burton, ICCT Liaison to Highland United Methodist Church

Youth Leaders Initiative
Twenty-two youth and their adult leaders participated in listening and planning sessions during the summer of 2023 so the youths’ interests and ideas about Creation care could help determine the direction of the YLI.
See photos and read about the June Listening Session Youth Leaders Initiative 2023.

Urban Forestry & Racial Justice Discussion
Seventy people – in-person and on zoom – tuned in for the Urban Forestry & Racial Justice Panel Discussion on May 11, 2023.
A recording is available here. .

Tell us about creation care in your faith community
Our new blog series highlights Creation Care in ICCT faith communities. We want to hear how your church, temple, mosque, or other place of worship is caring for creation. Send us your updates via this Contact Us link.

NCSU Study on Toxins & Justice
Members of two ICCT Faith communities are participating in Dr. Cathrine Hoyo's study on the effect of environmental contaminants such as PFAS and toxic metals on liver health. Data from the CDC shows the body burden of these contaminants is disproportionately borne by ethnic minorities and the.
Read more about the study here.

Earth Day is everyday!
Check out this incredible resource: “31 Days of Climate Action” to discover how you and your faith community can help reverse climate change with just 10 minutes of effort per day.
Read More

2022 Prayer Chain for the Earth
Save Our Mother and Vote/Pray are some of the messages from almost 200 folks holding signs that greeted drivers on Raleigh’s Wade Avenue during ICCT’s 2nd Prayer Chain for the Earth on October 3, 2022.
See the videos, read a stirring blog on this amazing happening.

ICCT & ONE Wake on Energy Efficiency
As a matter of environmental and economic justice, ICCT is committed to making energy efficiency equity an integral part of affordable housing for low-income residents.
Learn more, ask questions, and join.

The Pentagon, Climate Change & War
A 2023 Zoom forum, attended by 96 people, featured author Neta C. Crawford, Professor at the University of Oxford discussing the world’s largest single greenhouse gas emitter, the Pentagon.
See more information and videos.

Explore Creation Care Resources
Our Resources page lists dozens of faith-based and science-based online resources, books and volunteer opportunities. Read about some of our favorites in our Reviews of Resources.

An Ecumenical Prayer Service
People of all faiths and the entire community were welcomed to the BeeLoved Community Garden of West Raleigh Presbyterian Church, Raleigh on Saturday, September 24, 2022. The service was sponsored by Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle and Church Women United of Raleigh.
Read more about this activity

Earth: Beloved Community
Christian McIvor, Composer and Minister of Worship, Music and the Arts
Greystone Baptist Church, Raleigh
What a joy to hear Christian sing his composition, Earth: Beloved Community, at the ICCT meeting on April 26, 2022. He said, "I feel that I have begun to live into the song I wrote, as I have done my best to make creation justice one of the main areas of my ministry.
Read more, listen to the recording, and access the words, lead sheet, and chord sheets for the song generously offered to us and to our faith communities.

Join Us as a Faith Community Liaison
With a small commitment of your time, you can help build a more vibrant Creation care community in the Triangle and help your faith community benefit from our Creation care resources.
Find out how!

Renovating or Building Green: Where to Start
Faith communities, homeowners, and businesses are renovating or building green. This February 2022 ICCT program covered the benefits of green building for sustainability, energy efficiency and savings, and greener building codes.
See More Information and Watch the Recording

Tales of Environmental Racial Injustice in North Carolina
The voices of people of color in North Carolina are repeatedly ignored in decisions on where to build dumps, hazardous waste sites, and other industrial polluting operations.
Read the stories of this sordid history here.

A Plant-Rich Diet
On November 6, 2021, Dilip Barman, an accomplished chef, and Emily Barrett, a sustainability expert led a dynamic discussion on how to care for the earth, optimize your health, and promote compassion for animals at the very same time! Watch the video and see great resources from the speakers.

The Letter, a Poignant New Documentary
New Documentary Highlights Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home by Pope Francis. Pope Francis issued his encyclical letter, Laudato Si' in 2015. Now a new feature-length documentary, The Letter: A Message for our Earth, movingly brings to life his transformative vision for a renewed earth and a renewed humanity.
You can watch the trailer hereand the film can be viewed in its entirety on YouTube.

Youth Leaders Initiative
Twenty-two youth and their adult leaders participated in listening and planning sessions during the summer of 2023 so the youths’ interests and ideas about Creation care could help determine the direction of the YLI.
See photos and read about the June Listening Session Youth Leaders Initiative 2023.

Urban Forestry & Racial Justice Discussion
Seventy people – in-person and on zoom – tuned in for the Urban Forestry & Racial Justice Panel Discussion on May 11, 2023.
A recording is available here. .

Tell us about creation care in your faith community
Our new blog series highlights Creation Care in ICCT faith communities. We want to hear how your church, temple, mosque, or other place of worship is caring for creation. Send us your updates via this Contact Us link.

NCSU Study on Toxins & Justice
Members of two ICCT Faith communities are participating in Dr. Cathrine Hoyo's study on the effect of environmental contaminants such as PFAS and toxic metals on liver health. Data from the CDC shows the body burden of these contaminants is disproportionately borne by ethnic minorities and the.
Read more about the study here.

Earth Day is everyday!
Check out this incredible resource: “31 Days of Climate Action” to discover how you and your faith community can help reverse climate change with just 10 minutes of effort per day.
Read More

2022 Prayer Chain for the Earth
Save Our Mother and Vote/Pray are some of the messages from almost 200 folks holding signs that greeted drivers on Raleigh’s Wade Avenue during ICCT’s 2nd Prayer Chain for the Earth on October 3, 2022.
See the videos, read a stirring blog on this amazing happening.

The Letter, a Poignant New Documentary
New Documentary Highlights Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home by Pope Francis. Pope Francis issued his encyclical letter, Laudato Si' in 2015. Now a new feature-length documentary, The Letter: A Message for our Earth, movingly brings to life his transformative vision for a renewed earth and a renewed humanity.
You can watch the trailer hereand the film can be viewed in its entirety on YouTube.

ICCT & ONE Wake on Energy Efficiency
As a matter of environmental and economic justice, ICCT is committed to making energy efficiency equity an integral part of affordable housing for low-income residents.
Learn more, ask questions, and join.

The Pentagon, Climate Change & War
A 2023 Zoom forum, attended by 96 people, featured author Neta C. Crawford, Professor at the University of Oxford discussing the world’s largest single greenhouse gas emitter, the Pentagon.
See more information and videos.

Explore Creation Care Resources
Our Resources page lists dozens of faith-based and science-based online resources, books and volunteer opportunities. Read about some of our favorites in our Reviews of Resources.

An Ecumenical Prayer Service
People of all faiths and the entire community were welcomed to the BeeLoved Community Garden of West Raleigh Presbyterian Church, Raleigh on Saturday, September 24, 2022. The service was sponsored by Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle and Church Women United of Raleigh.
Read more about this activity

Congress Can Act on Composting!
Good news! The U.S. Senate passed the Recycling and Composting Accountability Act on July 28, 2022. ICCT supported the bill when we hosted an April 2022 webinar presented by the U.S. Composting Council and attended by 50 people in April 2022.
Webinar and Advocacy Resources

Earth: Beloved Community
Christian McIvor, Composer and Minister of Worship, Music and the Arts
Greystone Baptist Church, Raleigh
What a joy to hear Christian sing his composition, Earth: Beloved Community, at the ICCT meeting on April 26, 2022. He said, "I feel that I have begun to live into the song I wrote, as I have done my best to make creation justice one of the main areas of my ministry.
Read more, listen to the recording, and access the words, lead sheet, and chord sheets for the song generously offered to us and to our faith communities.

Planning for Season of Creation 2023
Ecumenical faith leaders from across the world shared their reflections and a 6-minute video on the Season of Creation. View their guide for more resources.
More Informration

Join Us as a Faith Community Liaison
With a small commitment of your time, you can help build a more vibrant Creation care community in the Triangle and help your faith community benefit from our Creation care resources.
Find out how!

Renovating or Building Green: Where to Start
Faith communities, homeowners, and businesses are renovating or building green. This February 2022 ICCT program covered the benefits of green building for sustainability, energy efficiency and savings, and greener building codes.
See More Information and Watch the Recording

Tales of Environmental Racial Injustice in North Carolina
The voices of people of color in North Carolina are repeatedly ignored in decisions on where to build dumps, hazardous waste sites, and other industrial polluting operations.
Read the stories of this sordid history here.

Lenten Resources 2023
Greener Lent invites you to discover or rediscover the beauty and value of Lent with a new approach to the practice of fasting. It offers a simple way to adopt a plant rich diet while reducing or abstaining from meat while leading to spiritual and environmental wellbeing. There are four fasting levels, allowing people choice in their level of abstaining and offering doable challenges for everyone, including those who currently eat meat almost every day.
More Information

A Plant-Rich Diet
On November 6, 2021, Dilip Barman, an accomplished chef, and Emily Barrett, a sustainability expert led a dynamic discussion on how to care for the earth, optimize your health, and promote compassion for animals at the very same time! Watch the video and see great resources from the speakers.

A Dialogue on Climate Action with Triangle Clergy and U.S. Representative Deborah Ross
Eighty people joined the virtual Triangle Clergy Dialogue with Rep. Deborah Ross on Climate Action on September 27, 2021. Watch the video of this powerful coming together of faith leaders, the Congresswoman and members of congregations all over the Triangle. .
More Information & Video

ICCT & ONE Wake on Energy Efficiency
As a matter of environmental and economic justice, ICCT is committed to making energy efficiency equity an integral part of affordable housing for low-income residents.
Learn more, ask questions, and join.

Youth Leaders Initiative
Twenty-two youth and their adult leaders participated in listening and planning sessions during the summer of 2023 so the youths’ interests and ideas about Creation care could help determine the direction of the YLI.
See photos and read about the June Listening Session Youth Leaders Initiative 2023.

Join Us as a Faith Community Liaison
With a small commitment of your time, you can help build a more vibrant Creation care community in the Triangle and help your faith community benefit from our Creation care resources.
Find out how!

Explore Creation Care Resources
Our Resources page lists dozens of faith-based and science-based online resources, books and volunteer opportunities. Read about some of our favorites in our Reviews of Resources.

Tell us about creation care in your faith community
Our new blog series highlights Creation Care in ICCT faith communities. We want to hear how your church, temple, mosque, or other place of worship is caring for creation. Send us your updates via this Contact Us link.

Urban Forestry & Racial Justice Discussion
Seventy people – in-person and on zoom – tuned in for the Urban Forestry & Racial Justice Panel Discussion on May 11, 2023.
A recording is available here. .

Planning for Season of Creation 2023
Ecumenical faith leaders from across the world shared their reflections and a 6-minute video on the Season of Creation. View their guide for more resources.
More Informration

The Pentagon, Climate Change & War
A 2023 Zoom forum, attended by 96 people, featured author Neta C. Crawford, Professor at the University of Oxford discussing the world’s largest single greenhouse gas emitter, the Pentagon.
See more information and videos.

NCSU Study on Toxins & Justice
Members of two ICCT Faith communities are participating in Dr. Cathrine Hoyo's study on the effect of environmental contaminants such as PFAS and toxic metals on liver health. Data from the CDC shows the body burden of these contaminants is disproportionately borne by ethnic minorities and the.
Read more about the study here.

Earth Day is everyday!
Check out this incredible resource: “31 Days of Climate Action” to discover how you and your faith community can help reverse climate change with just 10 minutes of effort per day.
Read More

Renovating or Building Green: Where to Start
Faith communities, homeowners, and businesses are renovating or building green. This February 2022 ICCT program covered the benefits of green building for sustainability, energy efficiency and savings, and greener building codes.
See More Information and Watch the Recording

Tales of Environmental Racial Injustice in North Carolina
The voices of people of color in North Carolina are repeatedly ignored in decisions on where to build dumps, hazardous waste sites, and other industrial polluting operations.
Read the stories of this sordid history here.

2022 Prayer Chain for the Earth
Save Our Mother and Vote/Pray are some of the messages from almost 200 folks holding signs that greeted drivers on Raleigh’s Wade Avenue during ICCT’s 2nd Prayer Chain for the Earth on October 3, 2022.
See the videos, read a stirring blog on this amazing happening.

Congress Can Act on Composting!
Good news! The U.S. Senate passed the Recycling and Composting Accountability Act on July 28, 2022. ICCT supported the bill when we hosted an April 2022 webinar presented by the U.S. Composting Council and attended by 50 people in April 2022.
Webinar and Advocacy Resources

The Letter, a Poignant New Documentary
New Documentary Highlights Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home by Pope Francis. Pope Francis issued his encyclical letter, Laudato Si' in 2015. Now a new feature-length documentary, The Letter: A Message for our Earth, movingly brings to life his transformative vision for a renewed earth and a renewed humanity.
You can watch the trailer hereand the film can be viewed in its entirety on YouTube.

An Ecumenical Prayer Service
People of all faiths and the entire community were welcomed to the BeeLoved Community Garden of West Raleigh Presbyterian Church, Raleigh on Saturday, September 24, 2022. The service was sponsored by Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle and Church Women United of Raleigh.
Read more about this activity

Earth: Beloved Community
Christian McIvor, Composer and Minister of Worship, Music and the Arts
Greystone Baptist Church, Raleigh
What a joy to hear Christian sing his composition, Earth: Beloved Community, at the ICCT meeting on April 26, 2022. He said, "I feel that I have begun to live into the song I wrote, as I have done my best to make creation justice one of the main areas of my ministry.
Read more, listen to the recording, and access the words, lead sheet, and chord sheets for the song generously offered to us and to our faith communities.

Lenten Resources 2023
Greener Lent invites you to discover or rediscover the beauty and value of Lent with a new approach to the practice of fasting. It offers a simple way to adopt a plant rich diet while reducing or abstaining from meat while leading to spiritual and environmental wellbeing. There are four fasting levels, allowing people choice in their level of abstaining and offering doable challenges for everyone, including those who currently eat meat almost every day.
More Information

A Plant-Rich Diet
On November 6, 2021, Dilip Barman, an accomplished chef, and Emily Barrett, a sustainability expert led a dynamic discussion on how to care for the earth, optimize your health, and promote compassion for animals at the very same time! Watch the video and see great resources from the speakers.

A Dialogue on Climate Action with Triangle Clergy and U.S. Representative Deborah Ross
Eighty people joined the virtual Triangle Clergy Dialogue with Rep. Deborah Ross on Climate Action on September 27, 2021. Watch the video of this powerful coming together of faith leaders, the Congresswoman and members of congregations all over the Triangle. .
More Information & Video