Christian Teachings and Practices
The Alliance of Baptists
Statement on Environmental Justice – Earth: A Beloved Community
American Baptist Creation Justice Congregations
Educational Resources
American Baptist Churches USA and its Creation Justice Network have joined forces with Blessed Tomorrow (a program of EcoAmerica)
Breath of Life Bible Study Curriculum
This curriculum (author: Rev Dele), from Mom’s Clean Air Force, was presented at the 2019 National Baptist Convention in Jackson, MS, to a group of 350 Black female church leaders. (Read ICCT Review)
Zero Waste Church
A program of the Church of the Nativity, Raleigh, NC. Their online book of seasonal resources and educational materials can be used for creation care projects in any church: Restoring God’s Earth: A Year of Personal Action. (Read ICCT Review)
Cappel, J. and S. Johnson. A Life of Grace for the Whole World: A Study Course on the House of Bishops’ Pastoral Teaching on the Environment (New York: Church Publishing, 2017).
Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN) Creation Care Series (Read ICCT Review)
- Just Transitions (July 25, 2019).
“Addressing the climate crisis means far more than just emission reduction or mitigating environmental impacts of our energy system and economy. We are also called to love our neighbors.” - Environmental Racism (August 29, 2019).
“One form of injustice is environmental racism, the cumulative and disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on people of color.”
Ecology Resources to Transform Faith Communities and Society
(The Lutheran School of Theology)
The Green Congregation Program: Complete Manuals
Laudato Si’
Pope Francis released his encyclical Laudato Si in May of 2015. The document asks us to consider the world we want to leave to our descendants and the crisis our planet is undergoing. Pope Francis asks us to enter dialogue and commit to action on our social and environmental challenges.
Laudato Si’ Action Plans
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Global Catholic Climate Movement
Eco-Parish Guide
(A resource for bringing Laudato Si’ to life)
Facebook video
New Milestones in Divestment
Caring for God’s Creation
Resources for Liturgy, Preaching, and Taking Action
Catholic Creation Care
Creation Care Kids
Caretakers of God’s Creation (UMC)
United Methodist Church Care for Creation
Resources for Creation Care
A Biblical Foundation for Creation Care
John Wesley on God’s Creation
Historical Voices on God’s Creation
Sermon Suggestions, Liturgy, Prayers, Books offers detailed teachings resources for the following faith communities:
- Baptist
- Catholic
- Church of the Brethren
- Episcopal / Anglican
- Evangelical
- Greek Orthodox
- Mennonite
- Latter Day Saints
- Lutheran
- Presbyterian
- Quaker
- United Methodist
- United Church of Christ
Blogs and Articles
“Dominion” in Genesis 1 is not an Obstacle, Facebook blog post by Stephen A. Jurovics, 25 March 2020