Affirmations and Calls to Action
Vote for Climate Action. Amen!
Save Our Mother, Vote/Pray, Act Now on Climate. Amen! — these are some of the messages that greeted drivers on Raleigh’s Wade Avenue during ICCT’s second Prayer Chain for the Earth. The beautiful video crafted by Ouida Watson documents the almost 200 folks who held those signs and gladly returned the waves and thumbs up from many drivers and passengers during that windy hour on October 3rd, 2022.
Russ Outcalt, who led the planning team, characterizes the event as an affirmation: since “the climate crisis does not command near the attention it should on a daily basis,” he said, “an event like the Prayer Chain gives us a boost in our long-term fight.”
And such a boost it was. Affirmations and calls to action filled the Prayer Vigil held afterwards at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh. Captured here in another of Ouida’s beautiful videos are Lucinda MacKethan’s warm welcome; the 17 clergy praying a group prayer; and Christian McIvor’s inspiring music, which knit the separate portions of the vigil together into one shining fabric. You can read the inspiring words of all the speakers here: Prayer Vigil Guide.
Individual speakers Elise Strevel of the Kadampa Buddhist Center, Rev. Diane Faires Beadle of St. Paul’s Christian Church, and St. Ambrose Episcopal Church’s Rev. Jemonde Taylor each reminded us, in their different ways, that voting can and should be an act of caring for creation. (We featured Rev. Taylor’s poem in the last newsletter and will be featuring the other two speakers in upcoming issues.) “Tree Frog’s Plea” by poet Michael Beadle echoed one of the concerns of the three fifth-graders–Rowan, Evelyn, and Grace–who spoke on behalf of their Save the Earth Club: the extinction of more and more species. “We started our club because we actually care about our home,” they told us, “and we want to have a good future.” For Russ, “Seeing the children” is a powerful reminder “that they and their brothers and sisters will feel the full impact of the decisions we are and are not taking now.”
The vigil’s concluding prayer spoke to the lack of urgency about climate action that characterizes many in political leadership. Led by Unitarian minister, Rev. James Kubal-Komoto, the prayer named our feelings of sadness, anger, fear, and grief “for all that has been lost, for the millions who are already suffering . . . We fear what we may leave for our children and grandchildren if we are foolish enough to do nothing now.”

But, he concluded, we do not give into despair or cynicism. “We are hopeful that enough people do care, that enough will dare to stand up, to speak up, to vote.”
Thanks to the inspiring speakers whose words you can read here Prayer Vigil Guide and to all the others who worked on and participated in the Prayer Chain.
Faith Leaders Praying, Speaking and Singing
- Lucinda MacKethan, welcome from Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle
- Rev. Dr. James Kubal-Komoto, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh. Host
- Rowan, Evelyn and Grace, 5th graders,
- Elise Strevel, Kadampa Center for the Practice of Tibetan Buddhism
- Rev. Diane Faires Beadle, St. Paul’s Christian Church
- Michael Beadle, poet and teacher
- Fr. Jemonde Taylor, St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
- Rev. Christian McIvor, Greystone Baptist Church, composer & musician
Other Faith Leaders Participating in Prayers
- Rev. Jacqueline Brett, Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
- Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson, UU Justice Ministry of NC
- Steve Jurovics, Yavneh Jewish Renewal Community
- Rev. Amanda Kerr, St. Paul’s Christian Church
- Rev. Wendy May, US New Methodist Episcopal Orthodox Religious Orders and Churches
- Rev. Santi Matthews, Community United Church of Christ
- Rev. Ian McPherson, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
- Rev. Sasha Ostrom, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
- Rev. Chalice Overy, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
- Rev. Susannah Tuttle, NC Power & Light
- Other clergy who joined from the crowd
ICCT Prayer Chain Planning Team
- Russel Outcalt, Lead, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
- Susan Brooks, Benson Memorial United Methodist Church
- Grace Evans, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
- Dan Figgins, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
- Steve Jurovics, Yavneh Jewish Renewal Community
- Lynn Lyle, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
- Lucinda MacKethan, Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
- Christian McIvor, Greystone Baptist Church
- Jim McMahan, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
- Gail Powell, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
- John Rees, Benson Memorial United Methodist Church
- Gary Smith, Community United Church of Christ
Video Creator: Ouida Watson
Photographers: Thomas Clayton, Kate Amesbury, Deborah Hooker
Set up Team
- Marilyn Clayton, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
- Thomas Clayton, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
- Judi Egbert, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
- Tom Fletcher, Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
- Carol Murray, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
- Russ Outcalt, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh
- Gail Powell, Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
- John Rees, Benson Memorial United Methodist Church
Thank you, all!