Faith Communities, Homeowners, and Businesses:
Renovating or Building Green
Where to Start
Diane Coleman, U.S. Green Building Council- Carolinas
Roxanne McDonough, Central Carolina Community College Construction Technologies program
Moderated by
Liz McCormick, UNC-Charlotte College of Arts & Architecture
On February 1, 2022, 75 people joined ICCT and the cosponsors for a program on what it means to “green” your home, church building, or business and where to start on energy efficiency improvements in renovations or new buildings.
The focus was on the benefits of green building and high-performance buildings for sustainability, energy savings, durability, maintenance, and building value.
John Rees with ICCT coordinated the program with our cosponsors: the N. C. United Methodist Church Conference Creation Care Team, Orange-Chatham Interfaith Care for Creation, NC Interfaith Power & Light, Pachamama RTP, and Benson Memorial United Methodist Church.
See the recording here.
Access the presentation here.
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