Azaleas at WRAL Garden in Raleigh NC

So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.     Baha’u’llah

I grew up in Raleigh, but in my adult life, I have lived in other states and spent time in Switzerland, 12 years in the Central African Republic, and 8 years in Guadeloupe. My spiritual journey started at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church and eventually led me to the Baha’i faith. Living those years in a poor country where relationships were more important than possessions helped me learn to live with less. The key principle that humanity is one family is coherent with the idea of learning about how we can collaborate to care for and protect our one common home. I believe that the problems in our world, such as creation care management, are essentially spiritual. When we recognize the principles involved and apply our faith in God and the nobility of human beings, we can make changes together.

Perspective | To Address Climate Change, Ensure Coherence Between Principle and Action is a 2019 statement by Daniel Perell, the representative of the Baha’i International Community to the UN. The statement underlines that “coherence between principles and action [requires] courage and sacrifice.” A transformation in our understanding of human nature can lead us to recognize that “human beings thrive when we cooperate [and] find fulfillment through harmonious and friendly relationships.” This transformation in behavior can lead to meaningful change in how we view and use the resources of our planet. Perell further says, “we must draw on the insights of science and the universal values of the world’s great religions to inform our next steps.”

This statement encourages me, as a member of the Baha’i Faith, to collaborate more with friends and organizations such as ICCT in making concrete changes in my habits and in encouraging others to join us in this urgent endeavor. It is a challenge to know what kinds of concrete changes, beyond recycling and carrying my own cloth bags for shopping, can make a significant difference. In collaborating with ICCT, I hope there will be an opportunity to learn more.

Nancy Hendershot

The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.  Baha’u’llah

For more information on concrete steps that address climate change, go to the Interfaith Creation Care Resources Page. Scroll down to “Science Resources” and select “Project Drawdown.”