Transparent image of pregnant figure with earth as the abdomen

Celebrate September 1 – October 4

For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.
Romans 8:22, New Testament of the Christian Bible.  

This verse inspired the theme of the 2024 Season of Creation – To Hope and Act with Creation.  According to the Season of Creation website, the verse brings to mind “the Earth as a Mother, groaning as in childbirth.   The times we live in show that we are not relating to the Earth as a gift from our Creator, but rather as a resource to be used.  And yet, there is hope and the expectation for a better future. Hope does not mean standing still and quiet, but rather groaning, crying, and actively striving for new life amidst the struggles. Just as in childbirth, we go through a period of intense pain, but new life springs forth.”

You can encourage your clergy and lay leaders to celebrate the Season of Creation in your congregation’s worship and programs. The Season starts September 1st with the Day of Prayer for Creation and ends October 4th with the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.  ICCT is happy to share these resources:

TO HOPE AND ACT WITH CREATION Seasons of Creation 2024 The firstfruits of hope (Romans 8:19-25

Deepen your Season of Creation experience by taking advantage of these free resources on the Season of Creation website: 

  • a downloadable Celebration guide and a video to launch it, 
  • an invitation to share with your faith community, advocacy resources related to the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, 
  • a prayer card, 
  • social media tools, and 
  • these denominational resources:

Orthodox Church resources

Lutheran World Federation

Anglican Communion

Catholic Church

World Evangelical Alliance

World Methodist Council

World Council of Churches

ACT Alliance Climate Justice

Find more resources here:
United Methodist Creation Justice Movement collection of resources, both United Methodist and ecumenical, to aid in planning for your congregation’s celebration of the Season of Creation including a video by Bishop Hope Ward retired
Season of Creation: A Celebration Guide for Episcopal Parishes authorized as of June 20 for use in 42 dioceses during this year’s Season of Creation  

Blessed Tomorrow interfaith resources

Happy Season of Creation to all!