Laudato si’ Week” will be celebrated from May 16-24, 2020, in honor of the 5th anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ landmark teaching document Laudato si’: On Care for Our Common Home. In the document, Pope Francis criticizes our excessive lifestyles that harm our planet. He calls all people to take swift action to protect marginalized populations and Creation.

Laudato si week launches a year-long journey of transformation. To learn more about Laudato si’ consider participating in this local webinar:

The Cry of the Earth, the Cry of the People, A Conversation about Pope Francis’ Laudato si’ in the context of COVID-19, facilitated by Trevor Thompson, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, In conjunction with ICCT,  May 21, 2020, 7- 8:30 pm. (Zoom Webinar). 

Trevor Thompson, Director of Justice and Peace at St. Francis of Assisi, will revisit the document’s main themes that challenge us to deepen our shared responsibility to care for our common home, address climate change, and live a new spirituality in this technocratic age.

Learn more about the webinar, “Cry of the Earth, Cry of the People”

Register for this Zoom event

Read on for Laudato si’ resources, and plan to say the following prayer at noon on May 24 at the conclusion of Laudato si’ Week: 

Common prayer for the fifth anniversary of Laudato si’

Loving God,
Creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them,
You created us in your image and made us stewards of all your creation,
of our common home.

You blessed us with the sun, water and bountiful land
so that all might be nourished. Open our minds and touch our hearts,
so that we may attend to your gift of creation.

Help us to be conscious that our common home belongs not only to us,
but to all future generations, and that it is our responsibility to preserve it.
May we help each person secure the food and resources that they need.

 Be present to those in need in these trying times,
especially the poorest and those most at risk of being left behind.
Transform our fear, anxiety and feelings of isolation into hope
so that we may experience a true conversion of the heart.

 Help us to show creative solidarity in addressing
the consequences of this global pandemic,
Make us courageous to embrace the changes that are needed
in search of the common good.

Now more than ever may we feel that we are all interconnected,
in our efforts to lift up the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.

 We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.


Resources for Laudato si’ Week

Read the Encyclical Laudato si’: On Care for our Common Home

U.S. Conference of Bishops Resources for Laudato si’ Week
This site contains a wealth of resources for learning more about Laudato si’ for young and old. You can sign up to receive resources and daily reflections for Laudato si’ week.

Vatican Resources and Events for Laudato si’ Week
Activities for Laudato si’ Week
Pope Francis has invited all Catholics to pray, reflect and prepare for creating a better world  during this week. Learn more at these two links to Vatican’s website. 

Register to participate in worldwide webinars

Videos for children

Laudato si’ animation | CAFOD (version 1)
Laudato si’ animation | CAFOD (version 2)

Sincere thanks go to Barbara Molinari Quinby, Director of Social Justice Ministries, Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral/Sacred Heart Church for sharing these resources with ICCT and others.