Congress Can Act on Composting

Good news! The U.S. Senate passed the Recycling and Composting Accountability Act on July 28, 2022. ICCT supported the bill when we hosted an April 2022 webinar presented by the U.S. Composting Council and attended by 50 people in April 2022. Ask your U.S. House member to support the bill using this easy-to-navigate link. See more information on the bill, the webinar, the recording, and ICCT’s position here.

Webinar and Advocacy Resources

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NCSU Environmental Justice Study: Participant Invitation

Participate in a study on the effect of environmental contaminants such as PFAS and toxic metals on liver health. Data from the CDC shows the body burden of these contaminants is disproportionately borne by ethnic minorities and the poor of any ethnicity. More data is needed to enable better environmental policy.

Learn more about the study
and how to sign up.

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Update: Prayer Chain for Climate Justice

On October 18, 200+ people of faith and people of conscience formed a Human Prayer Chain for Climate Justice sponsored by ICCT along Wade Avenue from the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh to the Community United Church of Christ and beyond! On October 24, Orange-Chatham Interfaith Care for Creation is sponsoring a similar prayer chain in Chapel Hill.

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Triangle Clergy Dialogue on Climate Action Review

Eighty people joined the virtual Triangle Clergy Dialogue with Rep. Deborah Ross on Climate Action on September 27, 2021. This was a powerful coming together of faith leaders and members of congregations all over the Triangle to speak our common voice on the critical need to care for the environment for the sake of future generations. Hosted by Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle and Orange-Chatham Interfaith Care for Creation.

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